Old Scholars AGM 2015
09 May 2015
The Old Scholars Annual General Meeting took place in the library at 3.30pm.

1. Notice convening the meeting
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Minutes of last AGM Meeting held on 10 May 2014  (see below)
4. Matters Arising
5. Obituaries
6. Reports from Officers
a) Chair
b) Treasurer (report for year ending 31.8.14)
c) Old Scholar School Governor 
d) Head’s Report for 2014/15
7. Proposed revision of the OSA Constitution and Rules (see below)
8. Election of Officers and Committee Members, including Archivists and appointment of Auditors and Trustees.
9. Outgoing President's address - Biddy Vousden
10. AOB  (Please let Nigel McTear know in advance if there are any items you would like to raise)
11. Date of Next Meeting - TBC

Click here for a copy of the minutes.

Click here for a copy of the new Constitution as adopted at the AGM on 9th May 2015.

Click here to see audited accounts for 12 months to 31st August 2014 and for 17 months to 31st August 2013. (We are now following the same financial year as the school - ie 1st Sept to 31st August which explains the 17 month period to 31 August 2013.)
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