Most of the school's pre 1936 archives were moved in 1986 to the Essex Record Office in Chelmsford and after the school closed in 2017 the remaining archives were moved there in 2018.
A catalogue of documents in the Essex Record Archives can be found
here. To search enter D/Q 49 (note there is a space between D/Q and 49) in the Document Reference box - top right. The entries make the most sense if re-arranged by reference.
This document indicates which of our archives were deposited in the Essex Record Office in 1986.
Following the school's closure in July 2017 the Essex Record Office collected the first batch of archives in April 2018 and these are shown in the following
Excel spreadsheet and
pdf file. In October 2018 the ERO collected the 2nd batch of archives, which now have been sorted and catalogued by them and are shown in the following
Excel spreadsheet and
pdf file.
Click here for list of pupils from 1825 to 1879, when this school was located in Croydon before it moved to Saffron Walden in 1879.
The School Magazine – ‘The Avenue’ - produced between 1911 and 1988, and the Old Scholars’ Annual Reports, more recently called magazines, from 1894 to 2013 can also be found in the Saffron Walden Town Library. The Old Scholars’ Magazines between 2007 and 2013 are also available on this website.
Please also see the Photos and Videos pages of this website where you can find whole school photos from 1922 to 2014 and a selection of Form Photos from 1971 as well as various videos.
Publications recording the history of Friends’ School, from 1702 on its four sites in Clerkenwell, Islington, Croydon and at Saffron Walden can be found on the School History page of this website.