Old Scholars' Reunion 2016
25 June 2016
Our annual reunion this year took place at the slightly later date of Saturday 25th June to coincide with the school's Friends and Families Day. This year the target Year Groups with big birthdays were 1964, 1974, 1984 and 1994.
Please see photos of the day below.

Programme for the Day

The morning events are very much school orientated but Old Scholars are most welcome.

The Library will be available as a meeting area for Old Scholars throughout the day. Please sign the visitors' book here and pick up a badge.

10.00 Meeting for Worship in the Music School.

10.30 Tea and coffee available in the Assembly Hall.

11.00 Assembly in the Sports Hall including music, speeches and presentation of awards.

12.45 Lunch. Bring a picnic to have on the field, or in the dining hall and sports hall if wet. There will also be a light BBQ on the field. Alternatively, a wide range of food is available in local pubs and restaurants.

1.30 to 2.30 Activities and Displays in Departments. You are most welcome - a chance also to see our new Junior School buildings.

1.45 to 2.15 Tours of the boarding houses. (This will be the only time when it will be possible to see around the boarding houses. Please assemble at entrances to boarding houses at 1.45)

1.30 Old Scholars' cricket match v the School - all afternoon. Please contact Nick Batcheler, nickbatcheler@friends.org.ukor tel 07717 281 912 if you would like to take part. We were short of OS players last year!

2.30 Whole School Performance on the grass tennis courts or in the Watson hall if wet.

2.00 - 3.00 A chance to visit the Archives Room (at west/girls' end of Centre Corridor).

2.45 - 3.30 Afternoon tea and cakes in the Assembly Hall. Come and say goodbye to John Searle-Barnes and Julie Anderson who will be retiring after 32 years and 17 years respectively.

4.00 to 5.00 AGM for the Old Scholars' Association in the Library.

4.00 to 6.00 Self-service tea and coffee will be available for Old Scholars in the Assembly Hall.

6.00 to 10.30 Old Scholars' drinks in the library followed by dinner in the Dining Hall at 6.45pm. This dinner has been very popular in recent years and is good value at £30 per head, including wine and soft drinks. Places need to be reserved in advance by returning the completed slip indicating menu choice (see attached below), together with a cheque, to Stefanie Godfrey at Friends' School by Monday 13th June at the latest.
Numbers are limited and places will be reserved on a first come basis, so get your order in early. In particular we hope that many of the 1964, 1974, 1984 and 1994 Year Groups will be at this dinner, but all Year Groups are most welcome.

Click here to see Whole School Photos.

Click here to see archive photos from the 1984 and 1994 Year Groups. We have been unabe to find any of the 1964 and 1974 Year Groups so far so if anyone has any of these year groups please email them to us.
Click here to find out more about the school by accessing the Friends and Families Day 2015 page on the school website, which has transcripts of the speeches made and photos of school events during the day.
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