The Old Scholars' Annual General Meeting took place at 4pm in the library.
1. Notice convening the meeting
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Minutes of last AGM Meeting held on 9 May 2015
4. Matters Arising
5. Obituaries
6. Reports from Officers
a) Chair
b) Treasurer (report for year ending 31.8.15)
c) Old Scholar School Governor/Head’s Report for 2015/16
7. Election of Officers (Chair, Treasurer & Secretary) and Committee Members, including Archivists and appointment of Auditors and Trustees.
8. AOB
9. Date of Next Meeting - TBC
Click here for a copy of the minutes.
Click here to see what happened last year.
Please find attached a copy of the unaudited accounts to year ending 31st August 2015