03 September 2014
We are sorry to hear the sad news of the death of David Hadley on 21st August 2014. David (known by his classmates as D) was at the school from 1956-6 ...
03 September 2014
We are sorry to announce the death of Ruth Wrigley (Comber) on 29th June 2014
03 September 2014
We are very sory to announce the death of Joy Dupont on 2nd April 2014.
Joy was a member of staff from 1951-1972.
03 September 2014
We are sorry to hear the sad news that Lynda Sharpe died on 21 July 2014 following an illness. Lynda was the first Head of our present Junior School f ...
01 July 2014
We have recently heard of the death of John Dudderidge.John, who was a pupil at the school in the late 1940s and 1950s, died aged 76. A birthright Qua ...
09 June 2014
We are very sorry to announce the death of Kaye Whiteman on 14th May 2014.
Please see attached an obituary from The Guardian newspaper.
02 June 2014
We are sorry to hear that Dilawar Chetsingh died on 31st May 2014.
Dilawar attended the Junior School from 1947-8, left to return to his home in Indi ...
11 March 2014
We have just heard the sad news that Jean Stubbs died in her nursing home in Saffron Walden on 11th March 2014 at the age of 95. Those who knew her he ...
23 January 2014
We have recently heard of the death of Rita Welch.
Rita was a matron at Friends' in Hillcroft sixth form boarding. She was at Friends' from 1981 to 1 ...
29 June 2012
Melanie Barber lived from 1943 to 29th June 2012 and was at Friends’ School 1954-1959. The following obituary was written by Barry Barber for the Old ...
29 April 2012
We were sorry to receive the sad news that Samuel Chell (Year Group 1995) died expectantly from a heart attack on 29th April 2012 aged 35. A celebrati ...
25 March 2012
We are very sorry to hear that Lord Newton of Braintree died at the age of 74 on Sunday 25th March 2012 after a long illness.Tony Newton was an Old Sc ...
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